Read-A-Thon Starting Line

Yeah, I know I’m late posting this. Better late than never, right?

Recently my TBR pile has been growing precariously tall. Not a good thing. So I thought this weekend would be a great time to tackle at least part of that pile. Here are the books I’m hoping to finish:

  1. What I Learned From Being A Cheerleader
  2. Haint Misbehavin’
  3. Very Valentine
  4. A Change in Altitude
  5. Seaglass Summer

Think I can do it? I’m not so sure. Good luck to everyone participating!

Read Your Own Books Read-A-Thon

I’m a sucker for anything that ends in a-thon. A challenge is presented and I’m instantly hooked. I heard about Monica and Star’s read-a-thon on Twitter and I couldn’t resist – I had to join in. It starts Friday August 13 at 9am and goes until Monday, August 16 at 9am. The idea is to get as many of the books that you own read. This is a great challenge for me, because I use the library a lot, so the books that I actually own take a back seat to library books because of the lack of due dates. So I’m pretty excited about this challenge.

Interested in joining in on the fun? Check out the details at The Bibliophilic Book Blog. And thanks to Monica and Star for hosting the challenge!